Market Access for Environmental Goods: Communication to WTO |
Written by Grant Ferrier
30 April 2009
Market Access for Environmental Goods Communication to WTO from Canada, European Communities, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States
Codes for Northwest Environmental Business Council (NEBC) Directory |
Written by Grant Ferrier
30 April 2009
An EGS classification system used primarily for the ease of customer or client access. Northwest Environmental Business Council is a trade association representing EGS companies in the northwest USA and its annual directory is distributed to industry and government to aid in business development or its members.
The Economic Contribution of the California Air Pollution Control Industry |
Written by Grant Ferrier
30 April 2009
The purpose of this study is to provide an economic profile of the California Air Pollution Control (APC) Industry. As the California Air Resources Board (ARB) has developed, introduced and maintained air quality standards and regulation over the years, there have been numerous occasions where the regulated community has objected to the institution of such polices on the grounds of a negative economic impact on their businesses and the California economy.
Total USA Environmental, Green Products and Clean Energy Market |
Written by Grant Ferrier
30 April 2009
Market Size Data on Environmental, Green Products and Clean Energy in a spreadsheet: 2005 and 2005 calendar years.
Environmental Consulting & Engineering Client Categories and InterSegment Interactions |
Written by Grant Ferrier
30 April 2009
Environmental Consulting & Engineering market and business segments by client or customer, service and media.
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