The Australian Environment Industry E-mail
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Environment Management Industry Association of Australia has collaborated with a number of industry groups to prepare and present an analysis of the environment industry, its prospects in domestic and export markets, and initiatives that can bring those prospects to fruition. This study precedes development of the Action Agenda for the environment industry by Industry Science & Resources, Environment Australia, and the industry itself. It therefore can play a useful role in highlighting strategic issues that can be addressed to improve industry competitiveness. The central themes underlying all recommendations brought forward in this report are greater integration of the industry, greater collaboration between industry and government and an overarching market development strategy. In all, six strategic agenda areas are highlighted: • unify the industry laterally • promote the industry through an Australia Inc. showcase and other marketing initiatives • engender innovation & capability diffusion • integrate the industry vertically • develop the SMEs of the industry • build industry-government collaboration Central to the preparation for, and delivery of, outcomes from these recommendations is the establishment and of a National Environment Industry Alliance. It is proposed that this body be a joint Government-industry alliance resourced and funded by both and directed in its activities by the partners from both sectors.

A framework for domestic and export market development and a Feasibility study for an Australia Inc. Showcase.

Commissioned by Environment Australia and the Department of Industry Science and Resources. Prepared by: The Environment Management Industry Association of Australia (EMIAA).

The assignment to complete this document has been multi-faceted and involved coverage of a wide range of issues. In developing recommendations and presenting arguments for change, it is not acceptable to omit many of the issues covered, the suite of which provides a rich background and basis for the recommendations reached.

Recognising reader interest in focusing on the key issues relating to industry development and export growth, the document has been structured to target the key outcome issues. At the same time, it is recognised that many readers will wish to review and appreciate the background and environment within which the industry operates. To accommodate these broader interests, sections with detailed argument along with appendices are included.

Part 1 of the report starts with the Executive Summary, which sets the agenda for action and the remainder of the report. A brief Introduction follows to introduce the reader to the scope of work required by the clients.

To provide a contextual environment for the environment industry and the recommended courses of action, a brief Snapshot of the Australian Industry is presented along with Opportunities to be Grasped.

The Strategic Recommendations are then presented as a set of initiatives that need to be pursued if the opportunities are to be captured. This brings to an end the first part of the report and succinctly brings together a focused agenda for change, leadership and intervention.

Part 2 of the report deals with the Analysis of Recommendations, developing the case for each and presenting cost estimates for their implementation. The report is concluded with a series of Appendices that present detailed background material substantiating many of the conclusions and recommendations reached.

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